“My purpose in is to support as many people in their quest for health, through non-surgical, drugless, natural, spinal correction and supportive therapies and guidance on exercise and nutrition.”
I take the time to evaluate each patient to clearly identify the underlying condition that’s causing their symptoms and determine whether treatment with Chiropractic is appropriate or should they be seen by a different medical practitioner. I am open to working with Medical Providers/Doctors of all specialties to assure patients receive the best possible care.
Every patient is treated as an individual and every effort is made to reveal each person’s underlying cause of their problem. This way I can help you improve as fast and thoroughly as possible.
Some clinics do not exam/screen new patients and go right into adjusting them. I feel this is dangerous and irresponsable and can lead to some patients ending up worse.
Other clinics give everyone the same set of treatments to speed-up the visit so they can see a maximum of clients. This is unfair to the people commiting their trust. They can feel like being processed like a number.
I feel every person shows up with a different set of problems and requires a customized set of treatments. This even applies as they progress in their healing. As some conditions improve and others become more predominant, the treatment must change with this progress.
My practice in Georgetown, Texas specializes in treating a variety of conditions. I treat patients daily who suffer from chronic lower back and neck pain, headaches, repetitive stress disorders, work injuries and whiplash.
My care is unique in that I utilize a variety of Chiropractic techniques, from the familiar traditional forceful to very light-touch methods to achieve the correction necessary. Each patient is given the opportunity to request the level of force they feel best with. Along with Chiropractic care I provide physio-therapy methodologies (gentle electric stimulation, etc.), exercise therapy, as well as professional ergonomic advice and Nutritional Therapy to promote inner health and healing.
Conditions treated include long-term chronic pain or acute issues such as at-home injuries, auto accidents, industrial injuries or sports injuries.
Some symptoms improved under my care have been Back Pain, Neck Pain, Head Aches, Shoulder and Arm pain and numbness, Hip and Leg Pain and Numbness, Wrist and Hand Pain and Numbness, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Pinched Nerves, Stiffness or Blocked Movement, Spinal Degeneration and Arthritis Relief, Organ Dysfunction and Poor Circulation caused by Spine and Central Nervous System dysfunctions called Subluxations as well as General Malaise and Weakness brought on by the Stress and Strain of a Malfunctioning Spine.
If after a consultation and examination I’ve determined your problems can be resolved with Chiropractic care, I can begin work on the tight muscles, irritated nerves and joints of your malfunctioning spine or ‘extremity’ (arms, legs, TMJ). Restoring the body to its natural alignment, balance and flexibility removes stress from the muscles, joints, discs and nerves, giving your body a chance to heal. The procedures are so gentle, there should be little or no discomfort with any of the treatment.
My interests include gardening, camping, promoting wellness awareness in my community, chiropractic, keeping abreast in advances of natural science, and involving myself in the interests of my wife and three children.
Dr. David Loper was born in Conroe, TX. He attended Texas A&M University where in 1978 he earned a degree of Bachelor or Science. He later earned a Doctorate of Chiropractic degree in 1989 from Parker College of Chiropractic, Dallas, Texas.
Married to Janet, who was a professional-level ballerina in Dallas when they met and is now Artistic Director at Georgetown Conservatory of Dance. They’ve raised three beutiful children, Alex, Ashlyn and Addie. Their son, Alex has brought into the family his lovely wife, Joey and daughters Aley-Grace and Avery.
After Graduating from Parker in 1989 he spent a year opening a satellite clinic in Ft. Stockton, Texas for an Odessa Orthopedist. Then he moved to Ennis, in the Dallas area and for ten years opened and ran a large high-volume practice.
While there, he decided a low-volume, more personable practice would give better quality care and benefit patients more, as well as be less stressful to his personal life. When moving to Georgetown to be near his mother, Trudy Loper, living in Sun City, he focused on having more relaxed, friendly, less hectic atmosphere of a low-volume/low-overhead practice. He did this by sharing office-space, using less space himself and having fewer personell. He’s usually the one to answer when you call.
He has been happily helping people in the Georgetown, Texas area now since 2000 using this practice model. As you can see in the “Testimonial” page, many satisfied patients will attest to his attention to detail and caring attitude.
He has advanced training in the diagnosis and treatment of all types of structural conditions for people of all walks of life, from pediatric to geriatric. He has expanded on his Chiropractic technique training since moving here to include various “light-touch” methods to accomodate patients’ needs whether they want the traditional forceful hands-on treatment, or lighter methods for those more sensitive or hesitant to “being popped” etc..
As a chiropractic physician my main purpose is to help reduce the cause of suffering and illness in my patients. I do this by all means excluding drugs or surgery.
I correct subluxations by Chiropractic adjustments, give recommendations for exercise, herbal and homeopathic remedies, improved diet and nutritive supplements. For in-clinic treatments, corrections of subluxations are accomplished by a variety of techniques such as Diversified, Thompson, Activator, SOT, and Motion Palpation.
To Improve the treatment outcome, I also use needle-less Meridian therapy (stimulating acupuncture points with micro-current) as well as modern modalities of Interferential, EMS and High-Volt electric stimulation, Manual and Static traction, supervised kinetic activity training, neuro-muscular-reeducation and specific exercises for rehabilitating patients.
I have a wide variety and balance of case types from cash, major medical, PPO’s, Medicare, work-comp, LOP/Auto-Injury’s, etc. As a Doctor of Chiropractic I can order diagnostic tests such as X-rays, EMG’s, CT’s and MRI’s to evaluate my patient’s condition.
Traumatic or over-exertion INJURIES heal faster, better and with less complications when Chiropractic care, nutritional supplements and theraputic proceedures are incorporated in the recovery plan.
SPORTS PERFORMANCE is enhanced with the Chiropractic “Tuning-Up” of athelte’s bodies to assure restriction-free and balanced movement..
CHRONIC ACHES AND PAINS that don’t respond to medication, or keeps comming back can show lasting improvement with Chiropractic restoration of movement and balance by removal of the pressure on nerves, joints, bones and muscles. This allows the body to return to the healthier state it was originally designed for.
HEADACHES, INTERNAL DISORDERS, STRESS AND DIFFICULTY SLEEPING can be caused by spinal derangements (subluxations) affecting the spinal cord and central nervous system. In this case Chiropractic is the best source for relieving those points of strain and stress to your internal systems, allowing you to function normally.
As to the relationships with Allopathic (medical) professionals, I have several Traditional and Non-traditional providers that I refer to when my evaluation reveals a condition out of my scope of practice. This includes Orthopedic Surgeons, Neurologists, Internists, Physical Therapists, Neurosurgeons, Massage Therapists, Naturopathics, Acupuncturists, Imaging Centers/Radiologists, Phlebotomists, Neurodiagnostic Centers, etc..
I feel every profession has something to contribute toward the patient’s well being and when we work together with respect for each others ability, the patient is the one to benefit.
Bachelor of Science, Texas A&M University, 1978
Doctor of Chiropractic, Parker College of Chiropractic, 1989
- Scoliosis Correction, International Scoliosis Research Center
- Certified Instructor, Protect Your Back safety program with American Red Cross
- Meridian and AcupunctureTherapy, Parker Coll. of Chiro. Post Graduate Program
- Cox Lumbar Technique, Texas Coll. of Chiropractic Post. Grad. Program
- Pediatric Chiropractics, Chiropractic Biophysics, by Peet & Peet
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – Non-Invasive Treatment, by Dr. M.R. Malley
- DNFT – Direct Non-force Technique by Dr. Christopher John
- B.E.S.T. – Bio Energy Syncronization Technique, by Dr. M.T. Morter
- Sacral-Occipital-Technique
- CMRT – Cranial Manipulative Reflex Techn., by Dr. M.L. Reed
- Thompson Technique, Dr. Clay Thompson
- AADEP Certified AMA Guides Impairment Eval. 3rd ed.~1991, 4th ed.~2003
- Low Tech Rehab, Dr. Charles Aplin, 2006
- Balancing Female Hormones, Dr. Janet Lang, 2007
- Nutrition Response Testing, Dr.’s Ulan / Lori Puskar, 2007
- D.Loper Chiropractic & Natural Health Center, Georgetown, Texas
2000 – Present; Owner, Clinic Director, Chiropractic Physician. - Ennis Chiropractic Clinic, Ennis Texas
1990 – 2000; Owner, Clinic Director, Chiropractic Physician.
Positions Imparting Experience:
- President, Parker Coll. of Chiropractic Alumni Assoc., 1995
- President, Delta Sigma Chi, Mu, Chiropractic Fraternity at Parker, 1988-’89
- President, Lake Worth United Methodist Church Brd. of Trustees, 1985
- President, Sam Houston Univ. Biology Club, 1974
- San Gabriel Presbyterian Church Building Committee, Nominations Committee
- TCA Dist. 4 (Ft. Worth) Treasurer 1998
- Designated Doctor for Texas Workers Comp System 1998 – 2017
- Chiropractic Examiner for National Board of Chiropractic Examiners 2003 – Present
I am not about giving the same five standard adjustments to every patient that comes in. That is how the high-volume/high-overhead practices operate. It’s a “Shotgun” approach. Not every patient will respond well to the same single treatment. That is a numbers game.
I have a more targeted and individualized philosophy. More of a “Laser-Gun” approach. I have been trained at a dozen or so Techniques of Chiropractic treatment, and frequently incorporate three to six in each visit according to your needs on that particular day. This takes extra time and cannot be rushed.
This does not fit in with the high-volume/high-overhead practice model where you walk into a glamorous setting and you’re handled by multiple staff. This may be more attractive but costs a lot and requires large numbers of patients and many extra “the latest thing” (but not fully proven) therapies with each visit and you may only see the Doctor for the same three-minute adjustment for the same 20 to 30 visit treatment plan everyone “needs” (as long as it’ll use up all the insurance benefits).
I have a more basic approach. You are here for my treatment, everything rotates around this fact. If I can keep overhead low, then I can concentrate on having a Quality practice, rather than a Quantity practice. This is why I have set-up my practice in modest surroundings and avoid personnel costs by doing most practice activities myself.
The main problem with the “Shotgun” approach is not every patient has the same condition. Even an individual patient’s condition will change as the treatment goes on. As you improve, the layers of your issues are peeled away. Revealing older, deeper issues.
Even if you are coming in for a new serious injury, beyond pain relief there is rebuilding. It takes time and the proper assistance for your tissues to mend and repair themselves to how they were before the injury. If only pain is addressed and rebuilding is not properly cared for, over the years it can develop into a degenerative condition.
I want to address these issues too. If it remains and allowed to fester, even though it’s usually tolerable, eventually it will return worse than before due to the added degeneration.
When a condition has been around for a while and you develop a pain, what you are feeling when you first come in is not always all there is. Your body has been putting down layer upon layer of issues trying to compensate for what started it all. Eventually your body can’t compensate further without pains developing for which you’ve no idea what the cause is.
EVERY visit I SEARCH for the specific condition that is primary that day for compromising your health. I then formulate a specific treatment to apply for THAT issue to peel away that layer. This assures you can live a healthier and a more fulfilling life.
I have a humble facility. Firstly, it reflects my philosophy that being basic and natural is the healthiest way of life. Second it keeps costs down so I can focus on treating fewer patients more thoroughly and not have the monetary pressure to see a large patient load to meet expenses and instead give a more focused and individualized treatment for each patient.
I also try to create a relaxed and friendly informal atmosphere with open doors, friendly banter with patients, a live-fish aquarium and fun reading materials for all ages and genders. I also do my best to educate my patients to understand how and why their body works, how it becomes dysfunctional and how to heal it, using all natural means available.