Diana Kelbell
My Chiropractic Story:
When I came to Doctor Loper I was in a lot of distress. Not only was I in physical pain but also in emotional pain. The headaches and the neck pain caused me to feel hopeless. My outlook was not so positive. As Doctor Loper manipulated me I immediately began to feel relieve. The crying spells stopped and the pain faded away. I feel so blessed to have found chiropractic care that makes a difference. Thank you Dr. Loper…Not only have I become more hopeful, but also more confidant…and even taller.
Diana Kelbell
A-SUN Chiropractic & Natural Health Center Ltd. ~ Dr. David W. Loper ~ TXDC Lisc#05101
4219 Williams Dr., Georgetown, TX 78628 ~ ph#512-863-A-SUN(2786)
Patient Name : Diana Kelbell Date : 11/30/09
Describe what conditions you had before receiving treatment.
Severe neck, upper back and head pain. (came for this)
Asthma, sinus problem (Did not come for this)
Describe the length of these conditions and how they affected your life.
Have had pain conditions for a long period of time, on and off for over 15 years. Asthma and sinus problems for over a year.
Describe the various attempts of treatment before seeking Chiropractic care.
Medication for Pain.
Inhaler, medication for asthma.
Describe how you felt about your introduction and treatment here.
At first I was a bit anxious and nervous because I kept forgetting all the instructions given. I had no anxiety about the treatment. Treatment is high quality.
Describe how your condition responded to treatment, the conditions that have improved, and also any conditions other than what you came here for, that have gotten better.
The pain went away after treatment. My lower back pain and discomfort went away with treatment. Sinus & asthma, after treatment I was able to breathe. Thus, also treating my asthma w/ acupuncture, no more crying spells…Aha! moment
Describe how your improvement through chiropractic care has affected your life.
My life has improved through chiropractic care in that I am not medicating myself constantly for pain. I have patience with people and outlook is much better. Breathing (in itself) normally has totally energized me. Thank you Dr. Loper.