Henry Michel

My Chiropractic Story:

Dr. Loper has been very effective in reducing my pain level which allows me to be much more mobile.

Henry Michel                                                                                            Date 2/08/2015


Dr. David W. Loper at ALL HEALING ARTS
4219 Williams Dr., Georgetown, TX  78628 ~ ph#(512) 869-9811
www.DavidLoperDC.com ~ E-Mail dloperchiro@yahoo.com

Patient Name : Henry Michel Date: 2-08-2015

Describe what conditions you had before receiving treatment.

I had an operation on my left knee for a ruptured quadricept tendon.

Describe the length of these conditions and how they affected your life.

That was 2 years ago. I fell 3 times on my left knee and after the operation I was put in a cast for several months. I had to use a wheelchair.

Describe the various attempts of treatment before seeking Chiropractic care.

I went to several doctors including surgeons, as well as a pain treatment center. I received steroid injections several times.

Describe how you felt about your introduction and treatment here.

I was skeptical at first but I have been pleased with my treatment.

Describe how your condition responded to treatment, the conditions that have improved, and also any conditions other than what you came here for, that have gotten better.

I am now in much better shape and can get around fairly well.

Describe how your improvement through chiropractic care has affected your life.

Now, I can travel and move around with only a minimal need for a cane. I feel much better.