Peggy Allen
My Chiropractic Story:
March of 2012 my husband brought me to see Dr. Loper. I wasn’t sure what was wrong but I had severe pain in my back, neck, and arm and really thought I might be having a heart attack. Dr. Loper examined me thoroughly, ruled out heart condition and treated me. I had to have helped to walk in, but was able to walk out on my own. He’s helped me back to “normal”.
One very happy patient!
Peggy Allen
A-SUN Chiropractic & Natural Health Center Ltd. ~ Dr. David W. Loper ~ TXDC Lisc#05101
6601 S. Lakewood Dr., Ste 102, Georgetown, TX 786628 ~ ph#512-863-A-SUN(2786) Tax ID#74-3006257
Patient Name : Peggy Allen Date: 12/28/2012
Describe what conditions you had before receiving treatment.
Neck, back pain, numbness down arm.
Describe the length of these conditions and how they affected your life.
Neck pain for years, back pain off and on making normal activities difficult and exercise almost impossible.
Describe the various attempts of treatment before seeking Chiropractic care.
Advil for pain and some massage therapy which helped but didn’t control.
Describe how you felt about your introduction and treatment here.
Could barely walk on my own for first visit. Walked out feeling 90% better.
Describe how your condition responded to treatment, the conditions that have improved, and also any conditions other than what you came here for, that have gotten better.
After first month I saw major improvement in back pain, no numbness in arm and neck was better.
Describe how your improvement through chiropractic care has affected your life.
I am able to do more without the pain. Activities are easier and just feel much better in general. Much better without medications that only masks the problem and do nothing to solve the issue.