Vanderbilt Ostermick

My Chiropractic Story:

Enjoying a long history of playing sports, I have had my share of injuries and pains. At age 61, everything seems to hurt or I feel new aches & pains. Thanks to my “favorite Agggie” I am becoming pain free and feeling great!

Vanderbilt Ostermick


A-SUN Chiropractic & Natural Health Center Ltd. ~ Dr. David W. Loper ~ TXDC Lisc#05101
4219 Williams Dr., Georgetown, TX 78628 ~ ph#512-863-A-SUN(2786)

Patient Name : Vanderbilt Ostermick Date : 3/2/09

Describe what conditions you had before receiving treatment.
Severe back pain in lover back.
Occasional neck pain when driving & sitting.

Describe the length of these conditions and how they affected your life.
Both neck & lower back have been present for many years and I have learned to live with it.

Describe the various attempts of treatment before seeking Chiropractic care.
Stretching, exercise & diet.

Describe how you felt about your introduction and treatment here.
Great. Improvement.

Describe how your condition responded to treatment, the conditions that have improved, and also any conditions other than what you came here for, that have gotten better.
More flexibility and less pain.
Sinus condition seems improved.

Describe how your improvement through chiropractic care has affected your life.
“When you waking up in the morning, pain does not ruin your day”.
Golf game is improved!