W. Miles Allen

My Chiropractic Story:

There is nothing better that you can do for yourself.
W. Miles Allen


A-SUN Chiropractic & Natural Health Center Ltd. ~ Dr. David W. Loper ~ TXDC Lisc#05101
6601 S. Lakewood Dr., Ste 102, Georgetown, TX 786628  ~ ph#512-863-A-SUN(2786) Tax ID #74-3006257

Patient Name : Willard Miles Allen Date : 10/31/2012

Describe what conditions you had before receiving treatment. 
Lots of body pain for 6-10 years. Early disc degeneration. Euphony nyophieal pain.

Describe the length of these conditions and how they affected your life. 
Night and day pain. Days without sleep.

Describe the various attempts of treatment before seeking Chiropractic care. 
Pain medications. Pain management clinic in Round Rock for 6 months.

Describe how you felt about your introduction and treatment here. 
Great pain relief immediately.

Describe how your condition responded to treatment, the conditions that have improved, and also any conditions other than what you came here for, that have gotten better. 
I am working and playing like a young person.

Describe how your improvement through chiropractic care has affected your life. 
I am experiencing life to the fullest.